BURY Time Suite User Manual

Page 5

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4. The first time you use the BURY Time Suite

When you open the BURY Time Suite for the first
time, you must set an administrator and enter a
user name and password. If you use the software
on a private basis, then you only manage your own
data. If you use the software in a network and se-
veral people need to be able to work with it, than
the roles of the persons (who is the administrator)
should be defined in advance. Further information
about this subject is provided in the following chap-

In the User details window, now enter a password.
This can be alphanumerical and can also consist of
just one character. Passwords are case-sensitive,
so please take care when you are entering it. The
password will only be displayed to you in asterisks,
which means that making a typo is quite easy.

For this reason, you have to enter your password a
second time. The details that you enter are compa-
red against each other. You can only click on ‚Save‘
and finish entering the data if both sets of details


You can also amend the details of the user


subsequently within the software programme.

The BURY Time Suite does not support a pass-


word reset for an administrator-user. Therefore
please keep this password safe in another way;
via a password manager, for example.

The login for the BURY Time Suite now appears.
Enter your password once again and set the menu
language with which you wish to use the BURY
Time Suite. The software will start when you click
on „OK“.