Create vehicles – BURY Time Suite User Manual
Page 13

Before you create one or several vehicles, you
should acquire the vehicle documentation (registra-
tion document / certificate) and note down the cor-
responding number of kilometres/mileage.
Own data
, open the vehicle administration
using the
icon. Enter a new car by clicking on
the ‘plus’ symbol on the bottom of the screen. In
the window which opens next, you must fill in the
compulsory fields
that are framed in red.
The number of kilometres/mileage should corre-
spond with the value that was displayed during the
installation of the electronic driver’s log system in
the vehicle. As an owner, please select either your-
self or a user who is able to use the vehicle private-
ly. If no other drivers are available, the user will be
entered as the standard driver at the same time.
9. Create vehicles
The vehicle is listed subsequent to the saving of the information.
If several vehicles are created and you want to list these later according to your categories, then please
click on the corresponding category of licence plate, manufacturer or vehicle type. You will then be
shown the listing in ascending or descending form.