Punctual optimization – Google YouTube Creator Playbook Guide Sports User Manual

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Punctual Optimization


Once you’ve optimized your metadata, you need to

compel users to click on your video. A successful

thumbnail does just that.

Here are a few sports specific strategies to keep in

mind when selecting your thumbnails.

For action-based content, choose high contrast

close-ups of players, kicks, tackles, and fumbles.

Think about what your audience is looking for.

Close-up shots are usually the best approach, but

some sports clips might be best optimized with a

full field shot.

Avoid pixelated images.

If you have a strong, well-known brand, add

subtle branding to the thumbnail so viewers

know it is your content.

You have one chance to get the thumbnail right

from the initial upload. If you select a custom

thumbnail after the video has been published,

you have already missed out on traffic.

/XTremeVideo (Branded Thumbnail)



The thumbnail should accurately represent the content included in your video and

should not be overly sexually provocative.