2 photometry method description, 1 absorbance method group, Photometry method description 6.2.1 – Eppendorf BioSpectrometer basic User Manual

Page 32: Absorbance method group

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Eppendorf BioSpectrometer



English (EN)


Tab. 6-2:

Softkeys in method selection

Copied or cut methods can be added to a different folder under

Favorites, or added to the original folder

under a new name. Use the cursor keys to navigate to the

Methods column of the desired folder and press

[paste] for adding the method.


Photometry method description

The preprogrammed methods and method templates are described in this section.


Absorbance method group

Single λ

• Absorbance measurement on a wavelength.

• No subsequent evaluation.

Multi λ

• Absorbance measurement at two to six wavelengths.

• No subsequent evaluation.


• Absorbance wavelength spectra measurement via a defined wavelength range.

• Display of wavelength and absorbance in the spectrum by navigation with a wavelength cursor.

• The spectra section can be modified using 3 different zoom variants.

• Peak detection possible.

[Cut] and [Paste]

Cut and paste methods.

[Copy] and [Paste]

Copy and paste methods.


Delete methods.


Rename methods.