Peration, Anual, Warning – Snorkel X33RT-sn10000+ User Manual

Page 5: Safety rules

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Operation Manual

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All per son nel shall care fully read, un der stand and fol low all safety rules and op er at ing

in struc tions be fore op er at ing or per form ing main te nance on any Up Right ae rial work plat form.

Safety Rules

Electrocution Hazard

Tip Over Hazard

Collision Hazard

Fall Hazard

This machine is not


NEVER elevate the platform or drive

the machine while elevated unless

the machine is on a firm, level surface

NEVER position the platform

without first checking for overhead

obstructions or other hazards

NEVER climb, stand or sit on

platform guardrails or midrail

USE OF THE AERIAL WORK PLATFORM: This ae rial work plat form is in tended to lift peo ple and their tools as well as the ma te rial
used for the job. It is de signed for re pair and as sem bly jobs and as sign ments at over head workplaces (ceil ings, cranes, roof struc -
tures, build ings etc.). All other uses of the ae rial work plat form are pro hib ited!

THIS AERIAL WORK PLATFORM IS NOT INSULATED! For this rea son it is im per a tive to keep a safe dis tance from live parts of
elec tri cal equip ment!

Ex ceed ing the spec i fied per mis si ble max i mum load is pro hib ited! See "Spe cial Lim i ta tions" on page 4 for de tails.

The use and op er a tion of the ae rial work plat form as a lift ing tool or a crane (lift ing of loads from be low up wards or from up high on
down) is pro hib ited!

NEVER ex ceed the man ual force al lowed for this ma chine. See "Spe cial Lim i ta tions" on page 4 for de tails.

DISTRIBUTE all plat form loads evenly on the plat form.

NEVER op er ate the ma chine with out first sur vey ing the work area for sur face haz ards such as holes, drop-offs, bumps, curbs, or de -
bris; and avoid ing them.

OPERATE ma chine only on sur faces ca pa ble of sup port ing wheel loads.

NEVER op er ate the ma chine when wind speeds ex ceed this ma chine's wind rat ing. See "Beau fort Scale" on page 4 for de tails.

IN CASE OF EMERGENCY push EMERGENCY STOP switch to de ac ti vate all pow ered func tions.

IF ALARM SOUNDS while the plat form is el e vated, STOP, care fully lower the plat form. Move ma chine to a firm level sur face.

Climb ing up the rail ing of the plat form, stand ing on or step ping from the plat form onto build ings, steel or pre fab con crete struc tures,
etc., is pro hib ited!

Dis man tling the swing gate or other rail ing com po nents is pro hib ited! Al ways make cer tain that the swing gate is closed and se -
curely locked!

It is pro hib ited to keep the swing gate in an open po si tion (held open with tie straps) when the plat form is raised!

To ex tend the height or range by plac ing lad ders, scaf folds or sim i lar de vices on the plat form is pro hib ited!

NEVER per form ser vice on the ma chine while the plat form is el e vated with out block ing the el e vat ing as sem bly.

INSPECT the ma chine thor oughly for cracked welds, loose or miss ing hard ware, hy drau lic leaks, loose wire con nec tions, and dam -
aged ca bles or hoses be fore us ing.

VERIFY that all la bels are in place and leg i ble be fore us ing.

NEVER use a ma chine that is dam aged, not func tion ing prop erly, or has dam aged or miss ing la bels.

To by pass any safety equip ment is pro hib ited and pres ents a dan ger for the per sons on the ae rial work plat form and in its work ing

NEVER charge bat ter ies near sparks or open flame. Charg ing bat ter ies emit ex plo sive hy dro gen gas.

Mod i fi ca tions to the ae rial work plat form are pro hib ited or per mis si ble only at the ap proval by UpRight.

AFTER USE, se cure the work plat form from un au tho rized use by turn ing the keyswitch off and re mov ing the key.

This manual is related to the following products: