Snorkel X33RT-sn10000+ User Manual
Page 11

1. Move the machine, if necessary, to an unobstructed and level area to allow for full elevation.
2. Pull Chassis Emergency Stop Switch to the ON position.
3. Pull Platform Emergency Stop Switch to the ON position.
4. Visually inspect the elevating assembly, lift cylinder, cables, and hoses for cracked welds and
structural damage, loose hardware, hydraulic leaks, loose wire connections, and erratic
operation. Check for missing or loose parts.
5. Turn the key on and start the engine.
6. Select GROUND operation on the platform/ground switch.
7. Hold the platform LIFT/LOWER switch up to the rise position and fully elevate the platform.
8. Partially lower the platform by pushing the platform lift/lower switch down and check for
proper operation of the audible lowering alarm.
9. Pull the Emergency Lowering control to check for proper operation. When the platform is
lowered, release the knob.
10. Push the chassis Emergency Stop Switch to check for proper operation. All machine
functions should be disabled. Pull the Emergency Stop Switch to allow normal operation to
11. Check that the route is clear of obstacles (persons, obstructions, holes, and drop-offs, bumps
and debris), is level, and is capable of supporting the wheel loads.
12. Mount the platform and properly close the entrance gate.
13. Check the operation of the stabilisers. Use the AUTO LEVEL switch to set the stabilisers and
ensure that the LIFT ENABLE LIGHT comes on. Select AUTO STOW to fully retract the
14. Check the operation of the stabilisers in MANUAL MODE. Operate each of the individual
Stabiliser Switches to see that they both extend and retract individual stabilisers.
15. Select DRIVE mode.
16. While engaging the Interlock Switch, move the Control Handle to FORWARD, then
REVERSE, to check for speed control
17. Push the Steering Switch RIGHT, then LEFT, to check for steering control.
18. Select LIFT mode. Grasp the Control Handle, engaging the Interlock Switch, and pull it back
to check platform lift controls. Raise the platform to full elevation.
19. Push forward on the Control Handle. The platform should descend and the audible lowering
alarm should sound.
20. Push the Platform Emergency Stop Switch to check for proper operation. All machine
functions should be disabled. Pull out the Platform Emergency Stop switch to allow normal
operation to resume.
Operation Manual
Page 7
System Function Inspection
Re fer to Fig ure 2 (Page 5) for the lo ca tions of var i ous con trols and in di ca tors.
STAND CLEAR of the work plat form while per form ing the fol low ing checks.
Be fore op er at ing the work plat form, sur vey the work area for sur face haz ards such as holes,
drop-offs, bumps and de bris.
Check in ALL di rec tions, in clud ing above the work plat form, for ob struc tions and elec tri cal con duc -
NOTE: Use both HI and LOW drive when per form ing the fol low ing step.