Introduction – MBW Blitzscreed User Manual
Page 4

MBW Inc. SCREED is intended for use in many applications. It offers the highest level of finishing consistency
available today. Precision machining of all components, combined with all bolted construction, are the key
factors for ease and speed of assembly and for true alignment job after job.
MBW Inc's exclusive 45 degree AĆframe cast aluminum design assures that all sections are exactly the same
and totally interchangeable. They come in 8'4", 4'4" and 2'4" lengths, so you can mix and match the length
you need up to 65 ft (20 m) for gas models and 65 ft (20 m) for air models.
The gasoline engine driven SCREED gives you a maximum eccentric speed of 2800 rpm, and permits idling of
the SCREED without stopping the engine. The air driven version gives you cycle vibration ranging from 5000
to 8000 VPM at 40 psi to 60 psi using about 4 CFM per vibrator.
The gasoline engine driven SCREED has winch kits available. The hand winch kit and the hydraulic winch kit.
The air powered SCREED offers the same fine features as our mechanical unit. It comes with optional handles
and an air system that includes filter, regulator and lubricator. It features an air line that is protected from damĆ
age by running inside the length of the AĆframe structure, and has flexible hose couplings between the air supĆ
ply tubes.
MBW Inc. has invested a great deal of time and effort in developing its SCREED. The equipment you have
purchased is built with a great deal of pride and designed to give you long life, efficient operation, durability and
The information in this manual has been written in an easy to read style. The design features makes it convenĆ
ient to operate and service your MBW Inc. SCREED through the use of this manual.
Read this manual carefully to learn how to operate and service your MBW Inc. SCREED correctly. Failure to do
so could result in personal injury or equipment damage.
Major points of safe operation are detailed on the SAFETY PRECAUTIONS page of this manual. The SAFETY
PRECAUTIONS page is located on page 1.
This manual should be considered a permanent part of your SCREED and should remain with the SCREED.
U.S. Units of measure and their metric equivalents are used in this manual.
Right and left sides of the screed are determined by facing the front (strikeoff) edging (T"
shaped edging). See Figure 1.
Warranty is provided as part of MBW Inc's support for customers who operate and maintain their
equipment as described in this manual. The warranty is stated on page 7.
MBW, Inc. reserves the right to make changes or improvements in the design or construction of any
part without incurring the obligation to install such changes on any piece of equipment previously