Apple Macintosh PowerBook 1400 User Manual

Page 194

background image

Control Panels folder 117
Control Strip 4, 19, 79, 80

information on a floppy disk 75
information on a hard disk 74–75

cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs) 140
cursor. See pointer
customer service. See Apple Assistance

Center; Apple-authorized
service providers; Apple
customer support line; help,
sources of

custom installation of system software


Cyberdog software 127


debugging program, starting 157
Delete key 154
deleting items, with Trash icon 18

appearance of 12
appears when using SCSI mode 106
doesn’t appear 90
problems rebuilding at startup 92
rebuilding 97, 98, 157

devices. See also SCSI devices

SCSI devices 50, 106–107, 108
troubleshooting 108

diacritical marks, typing 156
diagnostic techniques 115–135
disconnecting external monitor 60
disk cache 116
Disk First Aid program 3, 119
disk image 184, 186, 188, 189
Disk Image folder 188
disks. See CD-ROM discs; floppy disks;

hard disk

disks, shared 112
Disk Tools disk 89, 118, 119, 120,

134, 149

display. See also external monitor; screen

adjusting 143
blank 13, 97
brightness control 2, 13, 143

cleaning 146
contrast control 2, 13, 143
dimming 26, 78
frozen 102
opening 10
preferences icon 116
position of 10
sleep mode and 26, 27
troubleshooting 13, 102–103

Display Preferences icon 116
document icon 18
documents, backing up 74, 75
Drive Setup icon 118
Drive Setup program

description of 3
initializing hard disk 121
testing hard disk 118–119
updating hard disk 123–125


Easy Access control panel 102
Easy Install dialog box 134
eject button, PC Card and 40
Eject CD command (File menu) 36

CD-ROM discs 36, 110
floppy disks 100
PC Card 39–41

Eject PC Card command (Special

menu) 40

electrical safety 9, 145, 146, 147
electromagnetic emissions, health effects

of exposure to 144

Empty Trash command (Special

menu) 18

English Text-to-Speech software 127
Enter key 146
equipment. See also connecting

arranging and adjusting for optimal

use 141–144

avoiding damage to 8, 26, 39, 81
becoming familiar with 1–7
cleaning 145, 146
guidelines for handling 145–151
illustration of 2



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