Apple AppleShare IP 6.1 User Manual

Page 39

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Setting Up AppleShare IP


Note: After you’ve finished setting up AppleShare IP, you can learn more about the DNS in
AppleShare IP Help or in the MacDNS Administrator’s Guide in the MacDNS folder inside the
AppleShare IP 6.1 folder.


Click the right arrow button.

The following window appears.


Type your computer’s DNS name in the text box.

The DNS name is the name that your DNS server associates with your computer’s unique IP
address when communication with that address is taking place. Users can connect to your
server by entering an easy-to-remember name in place of an IP address.

A DNS name cannot contain spaces, punctuation, or Option-key characters. You may want to
use a name that is similar to the computer name defined in the File Sharing control panel.

For example, if your computer’s name is “Mt. Shasta,” its DNS name can be “shasta” or
“mtshasta,” but it cannot be “Mt. Shasta” or “mt.shasta.”

Note: If you will be turning on Windows file sharing service, the DNS name should be less
than 13 characters.


Click the right arrow.