If you are upgrading your appleshare software – Apple AppleShare IP 6.1 User Manual
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Installing Your Software
You need 48 MB of random access memory (RAM) with virtual memory turned
on to run all of the AppleShare IP server programs simultaneously. To run all of the
AppleShare IP servers without turning on virtual memory, you need a minimum of 64 MB
of RAM.
System software:
Mac OS 8.5 is recommended and provided with your AppleShare IP
software. TCP Filter software requires Mac OS 8.5; all other features require Mac OS 8.1 or
later. Installation instructions for Mac OS 8.5 are provided on page 13 of this book, and in
Mac OS 8.5 Installation Manual
that came with your software.
If You Are Upgrading Your AppleShare Software
If you are upgrading from AppleShare 3 or later or from Macintosh file sharing, you need to
be aware of the following information about preserving files and settings.
Users & Groups
If you are upgrading from AppleShare 3 or later or from Macintosh file sharing, the registered
users and groups that you’ve created are retained when you install AppleShare IP.
Share Points and Access Privileges
If you have share points (shared folders) on another computer that you’d like to move to
your AppleShare IP server, first follow the instructions in this manual to install and set up
AppleShare IP on the new server. Then follow the instructions for moving share points in the
Web & File section of AppleShare IP Help.
Some access privileges of share points you move may not exactly match the new access
privileges in AppleShare IP. They are converted to the closest match that provides the most
security. See the Users & Groups section of AppleShare IP Help.
Print Queues
If you’re upgrading from AppleShare 3 or 4, you need to create new queues after you install
AppleShare IP.
File Sharing and Networking Software Settings
If you are upgrading from AppleShare 3 or later, the settings in your File Sharing, AppleTalk,
and TCP/IP control panels are retained. You do not need to reconfigure these control panels
as described in the section “Creating Network Settings” on page 14. You do need to perform
the other tasks in the section “Preparing Your Computer for AppleShare IP” on page 12