Example of compressor command xml, Shell commands for submitting apple qmaster jobs, Synopsis – Apple Qmaster 3 User Manual

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Submission command option

Use to specify the number of seconds before Compressor can quit
when looking for a cluster. The default value is 0, which puts no
limit on the timeout and allows Compressor to browse the network
for as long as it needs to find the cluster.


Shows the ID information for the cluster specified with




, or for all clusters if no cluster is



Displays information regarding the required parameters for the




Example of Compressor Command XML

The code below is an example of XML code for submitting a Compressor command.
Notice that because it needs to be entered as one command line, every character after


that isn’t alphanumeric must be preceded with a backslash (\).

./Compressor -clusterid tcp:// -batchname myBatch -jobpath

/Volumes/Source/ShortClips/ -settingpath

/Users/stomper10/Library/Application\ Support/Compressor/PhotoJPEG.setting

-destinationpath /Users/machinename/Movies/

This command has the following elements:

• Cluster address is tcp://

• Batch name is myBatch.

• Job path is /Volumes/Source/ShortClips/

• Setting path is /Users/stomper10/Library/Application


• Destination path is /Users/machinename/Movies.

Shell Commands for Submitting Apple Qmaster Jobs

You can use the Apple Qmaster command,

Apple Qmaster

, with a number of

command-line options for submitting jobs.

In the command-line descriptions below, angle brackets < > indicate a mandatory
argument in a command, and brackets [ ] indicate an optional argument.


Below is a synopsis of the command for submitting a job to a cluster. The

Apple Qmaster

command is located in /Applications/Apple

Apple Qmaster [-clustername ] [-clusterid

address:port number>][-command -options

[-wd] [-timeout ] [-show] [-batchname ]



Chapter 7

Using the Command Line