Stage 1: turning off the shake unc setting, Stage 2: turning on personal file sharing, Stage 3: mounting the media storage volumes – Apple Qmaster 3 User Manual
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Setting Up for Part-Time Distributed Processing with Shake
If you cannot consolidate all of the necessary source files (Shake scripts, media files, and
so on) on a single-cluster storage volume, follow the instructions below.
Stage 1: Turning Off the Shake UNC Setting
Stage 2: Turning On Personal File Sharing
Stage 3: Mounting the Media Storage Volumes
Stage 1:
Turning Off the Shake UNC Setting
To make sharing and volume mounting work smoothly in this setup, you need to turn
off the Shake UNC setting on each computer. The UNC setting uses the entire file
pathname, with the network address, in a convention that starts with
//ComputerName/DriveName/path. You don’t want Shake to use this filenaming convention
because it conflicts with the file sharing and volume mounting used in this setup.
Note: All the media volumes created in stage 2 of
Configuring Access for Part-Time
should have the same name.
In the three steps below, you make this change in a Shake startup .h file. As described in
the Shake documentation, the startup .h files, located in the startup directory, are used
to customize Shake settings (similar to setting preferences).
To turn off the UNC setting, do the following on each of the computers
Log in as the user who will use Shake on the computer.
Double-click the Terminal icon in /Applications/Utilities/ to open a Terminal window.
Enter these two command lines in the Terminal window, pressing Return after each
command line:
mkdir -p ~/nreal/include/startup/
echo 'script.uncFileNames = 0;' > ~/nreal/include/startup/UNC_off.h
Stage 2:
Turning On Personal File Sharing
On each computer, turn on Personal File Sharing. This allows the computers to share the
media volumes.
To turn on Personal File Sharing
Open System Preferences.
Click Sharing.
Select the File Sharing checkbox.
Stage 3:
Mounting the Media Storage Volumes
Follow the instructions below so that all the computers in the cluster are mounting all
the media volumes in the cluster.
Chapter 3
Preparing a Network for Distributed Processing