Managed vs. unmanaged services, Managed services – Apple Qmaster 3 User Manual
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• Red: Connection failure
Click the icon to reveal additional information, including the service node’s IP address,
port number, and capture status, as well as a link to the Apple Qmaster pane of System
To show the service node status indicator in the menu bar
Open the Apple Qmaster pane of System Preferences.
Click Advanced to open the Advanced pane.
Select the “Show Qmaster service status in menu bar” checkbox.
Managed vs. Unmanaged Services
You have flexibility in how you build clusters for distributed processing with Compressor
or Apple Qmaster. When you turn on processing services (see
), you can choose to make them either managed services or unmanaged
services (the default).
Managed Services
Managed services can be assigned to serve one particular cluster controller. Once assigned,
managed services remain exclusively dedicated to that cluster until they are removed
with the Apple Qadministrator application. QuickClusters cannot use managed services
from other nodes, except in the case of extended node clusters. For more information,
Modifying and Deleting Clusters with Apple Qadministrator
. See the Apple Qmaster
User Manual for more information on extended node clusters.
Chapter 5
Creating Clusters