Using compressor autoclusters – Apple Qmaster 3 User Manual
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Using Compressor AutoClusters
The AutoCluster feature in Compressor gives you an easy way to take advantage of the
distributed processing capabilities offered by Apple Qmaster without requiring a lot of
knowledge about how clusters are configured, how to set up file sharing, and so on.
Using AutoCluster is a two-step process:
• Automatically creating Apple Qmaster service nodes as you install Final Cut Studio or
Apple Qmaster
• Selecting “Include unmanaged services on other computers” when you submit a
Compressor batch for processing
These two steps let you harness the processing power of any number of computers on
your network without any additional effort or knowledge on your part.
Stage 1: Creating Service Nodes During Installation
Stage 2: Submitting Compressor Batches for Processing
Stage 1:
Creating Service Nodes During Installation
Both the Final Cut Studio installer and the Apple Qmaster Node Installer include the
Compressor Service Sharing pane, in which you can quickly set up the computer as an
unmanaged Apple Qmaster service node, which is essentially a free agent “processing
slave,” available on the network for any computer that requests its services.
If you select Yes in this pane, the Apple Qmaster pane of System Preferences is configured
as follows:
• Share this computer as: Services only
• Compressor service: Selected, unmanaged
• Start Sharing: Started
Chapter 3
Preparing a Network for Distributed Processing