Specifying media file and script locations, Additional steps, For distributed processing with shake – Apple Qmaster 3 User Manual
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To mount the media storage volumes
On each computer, log in as the administrator. (The first user account you create when
you set up Mac OS X is an administrator account.)
On each computer in the group, use the Connect to Server command in the Finder’s Go
menu to mount each media volume.
Enter another computer’s name in the Connect to Server dialog.
Choose the associated media volume as the volume you want to mount.
Repeat steps 1 through 4 until all the computers are mounting all the media volumes in
the cluster.
Additional Steps for Distributed Processing with Shake
The following additional steps may be necessary for Shake users.
Submitting Processing Jobs in the Sample Part-Time Distributed
Processing Setup
After you finish the final stage in
Setting Up for Part-Time Distributed Processing with
, each one of these computers can be used to submit jobs for distributed processing.
Because of the way access has been configured in
Setting Up for Part-Time Distributed
, all file pathnames are conveniently consistent and simple for the
purposes of specifying them in Compressor, in Shake scripts, and in Apple Qmaster,
assuming that:
• Users place the source media on a mounted media volume (one of the FireWire drives).
• Users place the Shake scripts on a mounted media volume.
• All folders and files on the shared media volumes have read-and-write access enabled
for everyone (for Owner, Group, and Others). You can configure this access setting by
selecting the folder or file and choosing File > Get Info.
These three assumptions are important because they ensure that all the computers have
read-and-write access to all the source files and output destinations.
Specifying Media File and Script Locations
The following additional configuration guidelines apply to anyone using Shake (or any
other UNIX-based rendering applications).
Specifying the Media File Locations in Shake Scripts
As you follow the steps in
Setting Up for Part-Time Distributed Processing with Shake
, all
the Shake render scripts should specify their source media (File In) locations and output
(File Out) destinations as /Volumes/MediaDiskName/ (for example, /Volumes/Media3/).
Chapter 3
Preparing a Network for Distributed Processing