About the distributed processing documentation, Additional resources – Apple Qmaster 3 User Manual

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About the Distributed Processing Documentation

The Apple Qmaster distributed processing system is included with every copy of
Final Cut Studio and Shake. The system comes with various documents that help you get
started as well as provide detailed information about each of the applications. (To access
onscreen help for an application, open the application and choose the application’s help
from the Help menu.)

Distributed Processing Setup Guide: This manual is the primary documentation for the

Apple Qmaster distributed processing system. The manual explains how to set up and
maintain a distributed processing network for use with Compressor or digital visual
effects software packages. It includes information on preparing a distributed processing
network, creating and administering clusters of computers, monitoring batches, and
using the system from the command line.

Although all of the chapters should be useful to administrators, client users (users who
are not administrators) may need to refer only to the Compressor User Manual or the
Apple Qmaster User Manual, and possibly to the introductory information in this
document, to understand how to use the Apple Qmaster distributed processing system
for their purposes.

The Distributed Processing Setup Guide is available in Compressor Help, Apple Qmaster
Help, and Apple Qadministrator Help.

Compressor User Manual: This is a comprehensive document that describes the

Compressor interface, commands, and menus and gives step-by-step instructions for
using Compressor and accomplishing specific tasks. It is written for users of all levels
of experience. The Compressor User Manual is available in Compressor Help.

Batch Monitor User Manual: This brief document describes how to use the Batch Monitor

application to monitor the transcoding progress of batches and jobs. The Batch Monitor
User Manual
is available in Batch Monitor Help, Compressor Help, and Apple Qmaster

Apple Qmaster User Manual: This document describes the Apple Qmaster client

application only. This is a specialized application for submitting jobs with Shake,
Autodesk Maya, and other digital visual effects software packages. The Apple Qmaster
User Manual
is available in Apple Qmaster Help.

Additional Resources

Along with the documentation that comes with the Apple Qmaster software, there are
a variety of other resources you can use to find out more about the Apple Qmaster
distributed processing system.



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