Apple Power Macintosh 8600 User Manual

Page 241

background image

Extensions Manager

CD-ROM drive problems 160, 163
file-sharing problems 182
floppy disk problems 169
locating problem extensions 184
printer problems 178
saving current extensions when

rebuilding the desktop 204

typing produces nothing on screen

174, 175

File Sharing Monitor 180
General Controls 172
Keyboard 172
Memory 153, 159, 172
Monitors & Sound 82, 173, 176
Mouse 173
PC Exchange 158, 169
Sharing Setup 180, 181, 182
Startup Disk 171
TCP/IP 58, 62–64, 179
viewing options 141
Views 173

Control Panels folder 163, 169
cover on the computer

removing 108–110
replacing 132

cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs) 210
Current Zone pop-up menu 60
customer support. See also Apple-

authorized dealers/service

Apple Assistance Center 140
booklet described 137
hotline x, 16, 26

custom installation of system software


Custom Install dialog box 203


damaged CD-ROM discs 164
damaged floppy disks 168, 170
damaged hard disks 185–188
data-transfer speed

of ISDN lines 47
of modems 46

debugging applications 176
Delete key 226
deleting locked files 158

hiding and showing windows on 35
looks different when you start up,

troubleshooting 150, 162

rebuilding 151, 204–205

device drivers for SCSI equipment 97
Device Information command (Select

menu in Apple System Profiler)

DHCP server 61, 63
diacritical marks, typing 227–228
diagnostic techniques. See also error

messages; troubleshooting

checking system extension

compatibility 183–184

initializing a hard disk 189–190
installing system software 192–203
rebuilding the desktop 204–205
starting up from the CD-ROM disc


testing and repairing a hard disk


dialog boxes

Custom Install 203
Disk First Aid 187
Drive Setup 186, 190
Easy Install 195, 198, 199
Energy Saver 12

digital telephone lines. See ISDN lines

configurations of 105–107
installing 123–133
removing 125

