2 about the floater menu, About the floater menu, Configurator, warp user interface – Barco R5976924 User Manual
Page 193: Overview and functions

13. Configurator, Warp User Interface
13.2 About the Floater menu
Overview and functions
Depending on the selection, the Floater menu can have a different look.
Image 13-2
Function selection
Manipulate nodes: nodes can be individually moved.
Manipulate hard edges: a horizontal and/or vertical hard edge can be introduced where nodes
cannot move.
Increase button to increase the number of active nodes for a more detailed adjustment.
Decrease button to decrease the number of active nodes for a more coarse adjustment
Reset grid button. The complete grid is reset to its original position.
Add horizontal hard edge. No adjustments on this line are possible.
Add vertical hard edge. No adjustments on this line are possible.
Remove active hard edge.
Coordinates of active node.
Deviation from its original position in percentage.
Green numerals: deviation is within the range of the Warp board and can be processed.
Yellow numerals: warning state. Not sure that the Warp board can process this deviation.
Red numerals: error state. Warp board cannot process this deviation.
Status icon of active node.
: normal status. The deviation of the active node is less than 10%. Position of active node can
be processed by the warping board.
: warning status. The deviation of the active node is between 10 and 20%. There can be
problems while processing this position.
: error status. The deviation of the active node is bigger than 20%. The possibility exist that
the warping board cannot process this position.
Moving the active field in the grid.
Moving the active node in the active field or moving the active hard edge in the grid.
Step setup. The number of pixels an active node can be moved in a typical direction. The smaller
the number the finer the adjustment.
Status indication of the complete grid. If somewhere on the grid a node has an error or warning
status, then the status of the complete grid will show this status.
normal status. All nodes have the normal status.
warning status : at least one node in the grid has a warning status.
error status : at least one node in the grid has an error status.
Fast preview of the warping configuration. Only possible when connected with the device.
R5976924 PROJECTOR TOOLSET 16/04/2009