Removing a pc card, Removing a pc card -3 – Toshiba Tecra M4 User Manual

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Optional Devices

To insert a PC card, follow the steps below:
1. Insert a PC card in the PC card slot.
2. Press gently to ensure a firm connection.

Inserting the PC card

3. After inserting the PC card, refer to the PC card’s documentation and

check the configuration in Windows to make sure it is appropriate for

your PC card.

Removing a PC card

To remove the PC card, follow the steps below.
1. Open the Safely Remove Hardware icon on the Task Bar.
2. Point to PC card and click.
3. Press the PC card eject button to extend it.

4. Press the extended eject button to pop the card out slightly.
5. Grasp the PC card and draw it out.

Removing the PC card

Do not insert a PC card while the computer is in standby or hibernation

mode. Some cards might not work properly.

PC card

PC card slot

If the PC card is not inserted all the way, the eject button may not pop out.

Be sure to push the PC card firmly and press the eject button again.

PC card

PC card

eject button