Designated use – Festo Контроллер двигателя SEC-ST User Manual

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Contents and general instructions


Festo SEC−ST−48−6−P01−EN en 0606c

Designated use

The SEC−ST−48−6−P01, referred to here as the SEC−ST,


Electromotor Controller Stepper motor, has been designed for
use in control cabinets for controlling stepper motors in
2−string technology.

The SEC−ST must be operated in a safe working environment.
An EMERGENCY STOP circuit must be installed for the sysĆ

Operate the SEC−ST only under the permitted ambient condiĆ

The SEC−ST may only be operated in a stationary industrial or
commercial system. The electromagnetic resistance to interĆ
ference of the power electronics is not designed for operation
in mobile systems, in households or in firms which are conĆ
nected directly to the low voltage network.

Install the SEC−ST screened and earthed in a control cabinet.
Otherwise, the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of the
power electronics cannot be guaranteed.

The SEC−ST may only be used as follows:


in accordance with designated use


in its original state


without any modifications by the user


in faultless technical condition.

If additional commercially−available components such as senĆ
sors and actuators are connected, the specifiedlimits for presĆ
sures, temperatures, electrical data, torques, etc. must not
be exceeded.

Please observe the standards specified in the relevant
chapters and comply with technical regulations, as well as
with national and local regulations.