5 the buttons, The buttons – Festo Контроллер двигателя SEC-ST User Manual

Page 36

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1. System summary


Festo SEC−ST−48−6−P01−EN en 0606c


The buttons

Buttons Step+ and Stepć

With these buttons you can test the stepper motor.
When the Step+ button is pressed, the stepper motor starts
to turn. The direction depends on the wiring of the motor
phases; with Festo MTR−ST: in a clockwise direction (view of
motor shaft). It thereby increases its rotational speed step by
When the Step− button is pressed, the stepper motor turns in
the opposite direction.

Button Clock Sim

With this button you can simulate the Input Clock".
Each time you push it, a step will be carried out. The button is
not debounced.

Button Reset

Pressing this button, you can reset the SEC−ST. All the inputs,
outputs, displays and buttons are then without function. The
motor current is switched off. After releasing the button, the
SEC−ST is reinitialized and the motor is energized again.

Please note
The settings which you make on the SEC−ST do not become
active until you press the Reset button (or switching the
SEC−ST off and on again).