Notes on this manual – Festo Контроллер крайних положений SPC11 User Manual
Page 12
Contents and general instructions
Festo P.BE−SPC11−DSMI−EN en 0910b
Notes on this manual
This manual contains special information on installing and
commissioning the SPC11 in conjunction with rotary drive
type DSMI−... .
General information on operating, fitting, installing and comĆ
missioning pneumatic drives with the SPC11 can be found in
the system manual P.BE−SPC11−SYS−... .
Manuals on the SPC11
System manual
Soft Stop SPC11 electronics/
General instructions on instalĆ
ling and commissioning
Drive−specific supplement for operating
the SPC11 with a certain drive, e.g. with
the DSMI−... (e.g. this manual)
Special installation and commisĆ
sioning instructions as well as
parameter settings for the apĆ
propriate drive
1) These manuals contain the permitted drive−valve combinations, drive diameters, lengths and
mass loads as well as the parameter settings valid here for the SPC11.
Please note
For installation and commissioning you will require the
system manual as well as the manual Drive−specific supĆ
plement" for the drive used.