Vm velocity move

Page 38

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RMS Technologies

Page 38

Version 1.31

R101 Single Axis Driver/Indexer Manual



Velocity Move

Command Only +/- 250 to 15,000, or 0

The sign of the value determines the direction (positive for forward, and negative for

backward) in which the velocity move is made. The value sets the step rate in steps
per second at the current step resolution. Velocity cannot exceed Velocity Limit

The move begins at the set ‘Minimum Velocity’ (MV), with the speed ramping to the
command velocity at the rate set by ‘Acceleration’ (AC).

Changes to new velocity values from new VM commands, will also occur at the rate

set by ‘Acceleration’ (AC).

Command Example

#AVM1000 Starts a velocity move of 1000 steps per second.