Dynalab SMP40 User Manual

Page 14

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6.2 Preset Methods

In the Measurement menu screen touch the “Use a preset from the library” section of the screen.


1 In the preset methods screen select the

method to be used for the melt
determination by pressing on the method

2 Press “Select preset and continue”.

3 Method parameters such as the Sample

Name, the Start Temperature and the Ramp
Rate can then be adjusted if required by
selecting the relevant field.

4 Optional sample and method information is

accessed by pressing the “Touch here to enter
additional information” button.

5 Method parameters can be adjusted if

required. The SMP40 will automatically detect
the end of the melt when the toggle selection
field has an X in the “Automatically detect
the melt end” field. Removing this check
mark allows a value to be entered into the
End Temperature field.

6 Enter any batch or reference details in the

Batch/Reference alphanumeric entry field.

7 To proceed to the melt determination, select

“Go back to main information” and then
select “Continue”.