NOVUS DigiGate Profibus User Manual

Page 8

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DigiGate Profibus



Bit 8 – EQ (Error Qualifier) – valid for “Error Type” (bits 11, 10 and 9) different from 000

0 – one slave presenting a failure

1 – more than one slave with failure

In case we have more than one reading command for each Modbus slave:

0 – one reading command with failure

1 – more than one reading command with failure

Bit 7 a Bit 0 – AN7 to AN0 (Address/Number) – slave address presenting a failure (if there is only 1 slave

with failure) or number of slaves with failure.

Note: The initial status of all bits of the status register is zero.

Writing Table:

Figure 9 – Writing in the Modbus slaves by the Profibus master

The Writing Table or Output Table contains the values that are to be written in the registers of the Modbus network
(according to configuration), besides a control register (1st position of the table). It is aligned to the field of data sent from
the Profibus master to the DigiGate. However, the values of this table will correspond to the values sent by the Profibus
master only if there is a request by the control register. Its format is as follows:

Position 0

Control Register– in details below

Position 1

Value to be written in the equipment register in the Modbus network

Position 2

Value to be written in the equipment register in the Modbus network



Position 121

Value to be written in the equipment register in the Modbus network

At the equipment configuration the table positions are associated to the Modbus registers for which writing shall be
allowed. All positions are values of 16 bits. The table size is preset (122 words of 16 bits), the size of the data block
received from the Profibus network, however, is configurable and may not correspond to the table in its totality.