NOVUS TxIsoPack User Manual


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The TxIsoPack is an 4-20 mA 2-wire isolated temperature transmitter, for
head assembly. Powered by the current loop, its configuration is

accomplished by connecting the transmitter directly to the PC USB interface,
not requiring installation of additional drivers.
The output current is linearized and adjusted in fuction of the input sensor
type and range configured.


Sensor input: Configurable.

Thermocouples: Types J, K, R, S, T, N, E and B, According to IEC

60584 (ITS-90) Impedance >> 1 M


Types: 2, 3 and 4 wires, Excitation 0.17 mA, = 0.00385,
According to IEC60751 (ITS-90).

Voltage: 0 to 50 mVdc. Impedance >> 1 M

Sensor Type


Minimum Measurement Range

Thermocouple K

-150 to 1370 °C

100 °C

Thermocouple J

-100 to 760 °C

100 °C

Thermocouple R

-50 to 1760 °C

400 °C

Thermocouple S

-50 to 1760 °C

400 °C

Thermocouple T

-160 to 400 °C

100 °C

Thermocouple N

-270 to 1300 °C

100 °C

Thermocouple E

-90 to 720 °C

100 °C

Thermocouple B

500 to 1820 °C

400 °C


-200 to 650 °C

40 °C


0 to 50 mV

5 mV

Table 1 – Sensors maximum measurement ranges

Total accuracy: Maximum error 0.3 % of the maximum range for

thermocouples, 0.2 % for Pt100 and voltage.
Response time: ≤ 500 ms
Isolation: 1000 Vac for 1 minute between input and output.
Output: 4-20 mA or 20-4 mA current, 2-wired; linear in relation to the

temperature measurement by the selected sensor.
Resolution: 0.004 mA (12 bits).
Power supply: 12 to 35 Vdc, voltage across the transmitter.
Maximum load (RL): RL= (V


– 12) / 0.02

Were: V


= Power supply voltage

Operating temperature: -20 to 75 °C
Humidity: 0 to 90 % RH
Electromagnetic compatibility: EN 50081-2, EN 50082-2
Internal protection against the supply voltage polarity inversion.
Cold junction compensation for thermocouples.
ABS box, diameter de 44 mm and max. height 24 mm.

5-pin USB mini-B 5 connection cable.


When the transmitter is already configured with the sensor and desired
ranges, no intervention is necessary and its installation may be executed

immediately. When it is necessary to change the configuration, it should be
made through the TxConfig software.
USB cable and TxConfig software make up the Transmitter Setup Kit that
can be purchased from the manufacturer or any authorized representative.

The setup software may be updated at no charge at the manufacturer’s
website. To install, execute the file Tx_setup.exe and follow the instructions.

Fig. 1 – USB cable connections

During the setup, the transmitter is powered by the USB, not requiring an

external power supply.
The transmitter setup can also be made by connecting it to the loop, using

the loop power supply. There is no electrical insulation between the
transmitter and the communication port (interface), therefore it is not

recommended to configure it with the sensor inlet connected to the process.
See Fig. 2.

Fig. 2 – USB cable connections – Loop powered

After these connections, the user must run the TxConfig software and, if
necessary, consult the Help topic to help using the software.

The USB communication port (interface) of the

TxIsoPack is not electrically insulated from the
transmitter’s input.