Music files compatible with “sonicstage, Openmg format music files, Wav format music files – Sony MSAC-US30 User Manual

Page 95: Mp3 format music files

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Music files compatible with

With “SonicStage”, music files of the following formats can be imported
into “Music Drive”, the “SonicStage” music database.

OpenMG format music files

These are music files that have been converted using a format referred to
as ATRAC3 or ATRAC3plus and encrypted using the “OpenMG” format,
a format unique to the “OpenMG” copyright protection technology (file
extension: .omg). “OpenMG” format music files can be imported into
“Music Drive” using the following methods:
• Download “OpenMG” format music files from an EMD service and

import them into “Music Drive”.

• Record tracks of a music CD using the “OpenMG” (ATRAC3/

ATRAC3plus) format.

• Convert music files stored on a hard disk to “OpenMG” (ATRAC3/

ATRAC3plus) format and import.

• Transfer music tracks downloaded directly in a MagicGate compatible

“Memory Stick” from an EMD service, etc., to “Music Drive”.

WAV format music files

WAV format music files can be imported into “Music Drive” using the
following methods:
• Record tracks of a music CD using the WAV format.
• Import WAV format music files stored on a hard disk in the same format.

MP3 format music files

MP3 format music files can be imported into “Music Drive” using the
following method:
• Import MP3 format music files stored on a hard disk in the same format.



MP3 format music files cannot be imported if Windows Media Player
Version 6.4 or later is not installed in your PC. (Windows Media Player can
be downloaded from the “OpenMG” homepage: http://www.openmg.