Controlling color: saturation control – Nikon 5700 User Manual
Page 120
Menu Guide—Using the SHOOTING Menu
Controlling Color: Saturation Control
Saturation control is used to heighten or reduce the
vividness of colors.
The Saturation Control menu also includes a
Black&White option. Black-and-white images require
the same amount of memory as color images, but
show a higher level of detail.
Black and White
At a setting of Black&White the monitor or view-
finder shows the view through the lens in black-and-
white. Indicators are shown in green, and a
is displayed.
+1 Maximum
–1 Moderate
–2 Minimum
Best choice in most circumstances.
0 Normal
Image contrast enhanced. Use when shooting landscapes,
low-contrast subjects, under overcast skies, or when tak-
ing pictures that will later be edited on a computer.
Use for a vivid, photoprint effect when taking pictures
that will be printed “as is,” without further editing.
Pictures recorded in black-and-white. Black-and-white
images require the same amount of memory as color
images, but show a higher level of detail. Monitor
shows view through lens in black-and-white. Not avail-
able at an image quality setting of RAW.