Campbell Scientific NL200/NL201 Network Link Interface User Manual
Page 55

Appendix C. NL200/201 Settings
Secure Proxy Forward Port Number. Also, regardless of this setting, the
NL200/201 Secure Proxy Server will always listen on the secure HTTP
(HTTPS) port number 443. If a secure connection is established on this port,
the NL200/201 will attempt to communicate to the datalogger on the HTTP
port 80. (range 1..65535)
TLS Proxy Forward Physical Port
When doing TLS Proxy communications, the NL200/201 TLS server maintains
a secure connection with a remote client. If the TLS Proxy Forward Physical
Port is specified to be the CS I/O port, the NL200/201 will then open a TCP
connection with the datalogger over the CS I/O port and do unencrypted data
transfer with the datalogger. If the TLS Proxy Forward Physical Port is
specified to be the Ethernet port, the NL200/201 will open the TCP connection
over Ethernet on the TLS Proxy Forward IP Address.
TLS Proxy Forward IP Address
Secure communications received on the NL200/201 TLS Server will be
forwarded on a non-secure TCP connection to this IP address. If the TLS Proxy
Forward Physical Port is specified to be the CS I/O port, this setting is not set
by the user since the NL200/201 will obtain the IP address of the datalogger
automatically. If the TLS Proxy Forward Physical Port is specified to be the
Ethernet port, the forward IP address must be specified. Enter the IP address of
the destination datalogger here.
TLS Proxy Forward Port Number
When doing TLS Proxy communications, the NL200/201 TLS server maintains
a secure connection with a remote client. If the TLS Proxy Forward Physical
Port is specified to be the CS I/O port, the NL200/201 will then open a TCP
connection with the datalogger over the CS I/O port and do unencrypted data
transfer with the datalogger. If the TLS Proxy Forward Physical Port is
specified to be the Ethernet port, the NL200/201 will open the TCP connection
over Ethernet on the TLS Proxy Forward IP Address.
In order to communicate with the connected datalogger’s TCP server, the
NL200/201’s TCP client application must open a socket to that server. The
socket of the datalogger’s TCP server is uniquely identified by an IP address
and a port number. This entry is where the port number of the NL200/201’s
TCP client is set. The datalogger’s TCP server port must be set to
communicate on this port number.
If secure communications come in on the TLS Proxy Server Port Number, the
NL200/201 will attempt to open a TCP connection to the datalogger on the
TLS Proxy Forward Port Number. Also, regardless of this setting, the
NL200/201 TLS Proxy Server will always listen on the secure HTTP (HTTPS)
port number 443. If a secure connection is established on this port, the
NL200/201 will attempt to communicate to the datalogger on the HTTP port
Leave this setting at its default unless the datalogger is expecting
communications on a different port. (range 1..65535)