Campbell Scientific NL200/NL201 Network Link Interface User Manual

Page 36

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NL200/201 Network Link Interface

communications is 6783. The default port number for RS-232 serial

sever communications is 6784. The correct port number must follow

the IP address of the NL200/201 in LoggerNet Setup in order for

LoggerNet to communicate through the NL200/201. For example, if

the NL200/201 is configured as a CS I/O serial server, in LoggerNet

Setup, enter the correct IP address of your NL200/201 followed by

:6783 (e.g.,

6. If you are unable to communicate with the NL200/201 via the USB cable,

verify that you have installed the latest drivers for the NL200/201. These

can be downloaded from our website at


7. If the NL200/201 is configured as a CS I/O serial server, verify that any

other SDC device attached to the datalogger is using a different SDC

address. For example, if the NL200/201 is configured for SDC7, any other

device attached to the datalogger cannot use SDC7.

8. If communicating over a slow or intermittent connection, it may be

necessary to lower the Maximum Packet Size of the datalogger in

LoggerNet Setup and/or add Extra Response Time to the PakBus® Port in

LoggerNet Setup.

9. Reset the NL200/201 to its default settings.

If none of the above steps correct your communication problems, reset

the NL200/201 to its default settings. This can be done using the

Factory Defaults button in DevConfig or by using the Defaults

command in a telnet session with the NL200/201.

10. Verify you are running the latest revision of firmware (operating system).

It is possible that an issue affecting your ability to communicate via the

NL2xx is resolved in the latest version. The latest firmware version and

its revision history can be found at


There is no charge for this download. See Appendix D, Sending a New OS

to the NL200/201, for instructions on downloading the firmware revision

to the NL2XX.

11. If the above steps do not resolve the issue, please call Campbell Scientific,

for help. Before calling, it would be helpful to do the following:

Obtain a detailed description of your network setup including TCP/IP

address, port number, PakBus® settings, and other pertinent

information regarding all of the devices in the NL200’s

communication network.

Save a copy of the NL2xx settings (in XML format) using DevConfig.

Save a copy of the NL2XX event log. This is low-level code that can

be used by Campbell Scientific’s engineering staff to help

troubleshoot the NL2XX. To obtain the event log, the NL2XX must

not be in Bridge Mode. Telnet into the NL2XX using your favorite

telnet program. Once you have logged in, type “eventlog” at the

prompt. Record the date and time that you did this. Copy and paste

the output into a text file.