Campbell Scientific NL200/NL201 Network Link Interface User Manual
Page 46

Appendix C. NL200/201 Settings
When the device is configured in bridge mode, it is not possible to
open a telnet session with it.
CS I/O IP Interface Identifier
When the device is configured to operate in Bridge Mode, the datalogger will
address the device using this identifier. The datalogger can address up to two
“CS I/O IP” devices. The corresponding CS I/O IP Address settings in the
datalogger will control the interface. CS I/O IP Interface 1 uses SDC channel
3. CS I/O IP Interface 2 uses SDC channel 1.
Bridge Mode Forward Code
When the device is configured for bridge mode, it forwards Ethernet packets to
the datalogger. Because the device is aware of the MAC address and IP
address being used by the datalogger, it is able to do some filtering on
incoming packets and only forward relevant packets. This decreases the
amount of traffic on the relatively bandwidth-limited CS I/O port and
minimizes the amount of Ethernet processing the datalogger needs to perform.
It may be desired to further reduce the amount of CS I/O traffic. This setting
allows the filtering by the device to be customized to some degree. The default
value of this setting is 65535 (0xFFFF hex) and will forward all packets that
have been determined to be relevant for proper datalogger IP communication.
If desired, other codes may be entered to filter out certain packet types.
A packet is forwarded to the datalogger if its corresponding bit is set in the
“Bridge Mode Forward Code.” It will not be forwarded if its corresponding bit
is cleared. Single bits or multiple bits may be cleared to accomplish custom
filtering. The following are example values of this code.
Forward Code Values
65535 (0xFFFF): Leave all bits set to forward all relevant packets.
65531 (0xFFFB): Clear bit 2 to forward all relevant packets except UDP
Broadcast packets. Filtering UDP broadcasts will disable the dataloggers
ability to respond to DevConfig discovery packets but in many cases will
greatly reduce the total number of forwarded packets.
65279 (0xFEFF): Clear bit 8 to forward all relevant packets except IPv6
packets. Filtering these packets may be desired if the datalogger is on an IPv6-
enabled network but not required to respond to any IPv6-related traffic.
Enable if the device should be configured to use DHCP (Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol) to automatically acquire an IP address, subnet mask,
and gateway from the local DHCP server. After DHCP is enabled, the device
will reboot and it may take a few moments to acquire the IP settings. In order
to see the acquired settings you may have to refresh by pressing F5.