2 configuring the nl200/201, 3 configuring the datalogger, 4 loggernet setup – Campbell Scientific NL200/NL201 Network Link Interface User Manual

Page 25: Configuring the nl200/201, Configuring the datalogger, Loggernet setup

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NL200/201 Network Link Interface

the barrel-connector jack located on the edge of the device. (Note that an

NL200 cannot be powered over CS I/O. An external power adaptor or power

cable is required.) Connect the NL200/201 to your network using an Ethernet

cable, attaching one end of the cable to the NL200/201’s Ethernet port and the

other end to your network. Ensure that the device is powered up by inspecting

the Power LED.

7.2.2 Configuring the NL200/201

Connect to the NL200/201 in DevConfig (see Section 6, Configuring the

NL200/201). In the NL200/201 tab, set

Bridge Mode to enable.

7.2.3 Configuring the Datalogger

Connect a serial cable from the PC COM port to the datalogger’s RS-232


Open DevConfig. Select the device type of the datalogger (CR800,

CR1000, or CR3000), the appropriate

Communication Port, and the

Baud Rate. Press Connect to connect to the datalogger.

If using a static IP address, select the CS I/O IP tab and input the IP

address, subnet mask, and IP gateway for the correct CS I/O Interface.

The default for the NL200/201 is

CS I/O IP Interface #1 (SDC3). DNS

server settings are shared by all active IP interfaces and can be entered on

the TCP/IP tab. These values can be provided by your network

administrator. If using DHCP, leave the CS I/O IP address settings as You will find the information acquired by DHCP in the TCP/IP

info box on the TCP/IP tab.


Apply to save the changes and then close DevConfig.

The NL200/201 must be connected to the datalogger before

configuring the datalogger with DevConfig. If it is not connected,

the TCP/IP settings will not be displayed.

7.2.4 LoggerNet Setup

The next step is to run LoggerNet and configure it to connect to the datalogger

via the Ethernet port. (See example in FIGURE 7-2 below.)

In the LoggerNet Setup screen, press

Add Root and choose IPPort. Input

the datalogger’s IP address and port number. The IP address and port

number are input on the same line separated by a colon. (The datalogger’s

default port number is 6785. It can be changed using DevConfig. Unless

firewall issues exist, the port number does not need to be changed from its

default value.)

Add a PakBus® Port.

Add the datalogger (CR800, CR1000, or CR3000) and input the PakBus®

address of the datalogger.

You can verify that your settings are correct by selecting the datalogger in

the Network Map, selecting the Clock tab, and pressing

Check Clocks. If