Figures, Tables – Campbell Scientific EC150 CO2 and H2O Open-Path Gas Analyzer and EC100 Electronics with Optional CSAT3A 3D Sonic Anemometer User Manual

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Table of Contents


Useful Equations .................................................... D-1


Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) ..................... E-1


Magnesium Perchlorate MSDS ........................................................ E-1


Decarbite MSDS .............................................................................. E-8


Packing Information ............................................... F-1


EC150-GH Packing Information ...................................................... F-1


EC150-SH Packing Information ...................................................... F-2


4-1. EC100 electronics module ................................................................... 4

5-1. Optical path and envelope dimensions of EC150 analyzer head........ 10

6-1. Mounting bracket options for EC150 head only (pn 26785) or

EC150 head with CSAT3A (pn 26786) .......................................... 11

6-2. Changes in flux attenuation ratio relative to sensor height at the

most fore and aft positions .............................................................. 12

6-3. Mounting position of CSAT3A and EC155 with a 4.9 cm sensor

separation. ....................................................................................... 13

6-4. Mounting position of CSAT3A and EC155 with a 9.7 cm sensor

separation. ....................................................................................... 13

6-5. Exploded view of mounting CSAT3A and EC150 ............................ 15

6-6. Exploded view of mounting the EC150 without the CSAT3A .......... 16

6-7. EC100 enclosure mounting bracket mounted on a vertical mast

(left) and a tripod leg (right) ........................................................... 17

6-8. Exploded view of mounting the EC100 enclosure ............................. 18

6-9. EC150 temperature probe .................................................................. 19

6-10. Solar radiation shield with EC150 temperature probe ....................... 19

6-11. EC100 electronics front panel showing EC100 as shipped (left)

and after completed wiring and connections (right) ....................... 19

6-12. Bottom of EC100 enclosure ............................................................... 20

7-1. Zero-and-span shroud mounted on the zero-and-span stand .............. 24

7-2. ECMon zero-and-span window .......................................................... 26

8-1. Proper location of the gas analyzer top wick (left) and bottom

wick (right) ..................................................................................... 29

8-2. Replacing the desiccant/CO


scrubber bottles .................................... 31

8-3. LED status during normal operation .................................................. 32

A-1. Location of EC100 basic barometer ................................................ A-4

A-2. Location of EC100 enhanced barometer ......................................... A-5

A-3. Comparison of error in basic versus enhanced barometer over

operational temperatures .............................................................. A-5

A-4. Main screen of ECMon ................................................................... A-8

A-5. Setup screen in ECMon ................................................................... A-8

B-1. Amplitude response of EC100 filter at various bandwidths ............. B-1

B-2. Frequency response comparison of EC100 10-Hz bandwidth

and a 50-msec moving average ..................................................... B-2

C-1. USB data output in terminal mode ................................................... C-2


6-1. EC100 SDM output to a Campbell Scientific CR1000, CR3000,

or CR5000 Datalogger .................................................................... 22

8-1. Rain Wick Replacement Parts ............................................................ 28
