6 factory recalibration, Factory recalibration, 2. replacing the desiccant/co – Campbell Scientific EC150 CO2 and H2O Open-Path Gas Analyzer and EC100 Electronics with Optional CSAT3A 3D Sonic Anemometer User Manual

Page 41: Scrubber bottles, Figure 8-2, Ee figure 8-2)

background image

EC150 CO




O Open-Path Gas Analyzer

FIGURE 8-2. Replacing the desiccant/CO


scrubber bottles

8.6 Factory Recalibration

When the EC150 is manufactured, it goes through an extensive calibration

process, covering a wide range of temperatures, pressures, and gas

concentrations. All CO


calibration gases used in this process are mixtures of



in ambient air that are traceable to the WMO Mole Fraction Scale

maintained by the Central Carbon Dioxide Laboratory and the Carbon Cycle

Greenhouse Gases Group of the Global Monitoring Division/National

Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration in Boulder, CO, USA.

The long-term calibration stability of the EC150 is achieved by the use of high

quality optical and electrical components, a long lasting IR source, and a stable

MCT detector. The subtle, long-term aging effects are usually compensated by

the user with the field zero-and-span adjustments which bring the performance

of the analyzer within the original specifications. Proper handling and regular

maintenance of the instrument should make factory recalibration unnecessary

in most applications. If zero and span accessories and calibration standards are

not available, Campbell Scientific can provide two-point calibration upon

request (pn 27312).

However, if a user finds that signal strength outputs of greater than 0.75 cannot

be achieved after both cleaning the windows and a subsequent zero-and-span

procedure, contact Campbell Scientific. An application engineer will help

determine if the instrument should be returned to Campbell Scientific for a

factory recalibration.

For the CSAT3A, refer to the CSAT3 instruction manual for information on
