2 zero and span procedure, Zero and span procedure – Campbell Scientific EC150 CO2 and H2O Open-Path Gas Analyzer and EC100 Electronics with Optional CSAT3A 3D Sonic Anemometer User Manual

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EC150 CO




O Open-Path Gas Analyzer

natural elements. A zero-and span procedure should be performed after

installation of the instrument to give appropriate baseline readings as a

reference. A zero-and-span procedure should also be performed occasionally

to assess drifts from factory calibration. In many cases, a zero and span can

help resolve problems that are being experienced by the user during operating

the EC150. For example, a zero-and-span procedure should always be

performed on the analyzer after changing the internal chemicals. Before

performing a zero-and-span procedure, clean the windows of the EC150 as

described in Section 8.3, Cleaning Analyzer Windows.

After the first several zero-and-span procedures, the rate of drift in gain and

offset (explained later in this section) should be analyzed to better determine

how frequently the zero-and-span procedure should be performed once the

instrument has been put into service.

The first part of the procedure listed below simply measures the CO


and H



span and zero without making any adjustments. This allows the CO


and H



gain factors to be calculated. These gain factors quantify the state of the

analyzer before the zero-and-span procedure and, in theory, could be used to

correct recent measurements for drift. The last part of the zero-and-span

procedure adjusts internal processing parameters to correct subsequent


If the zero-and-span procedure is being performed off site (for example, in a

laboratory), be sure to mount the EC150 on the zero-and-span stand (refer to

FIGURE 7-1). This will ensure the analyzer is in the correct upright

orientation and has the correct optical alignment.

The zero-and-span procedure must be performed correctly and not rushed.

Allocate at least one hour (preferably more) for the procedure. Ensure that the

readings are stable and all sensors are properly connected and functioning.

It is conceivable that there are circumstances in which both a zero and a span

cannot be performed by the user. In these instances, it is recommended that the

user attempt to perform a zero of the instrument even if spanning is not

possible or inconvenient. The information gained through zeroing the

instrument can help troubleshoot problems that may be encountered during

field operations.

The water vapor measurement is used in the CO



calculations to correct instrument and pressure broadening effects.

To achieve good CO


calibration, it is imperative to maintain a

reasonable water vapor calibration.

Resting the analyzer on its side during the zero-and-span

procedure may result in measurement inaccuracy.

7.2 Zero and Span Procedure

This section gives instructions for performing a zero-and-span procedure, and

should be referred to any time a zero-and-span procedure is undertaken.

Check and then set the EC150 zero and span according to the following steps: