Campbell Scientific EC150 CO2 and H2O Open-Path Gas Analyzer and EC100 Electronics with Optional CSAT3A 3D Sonic Anemometer User Manual

Page 34

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EC150 CO




O Open-Path Gas Analyzer

1. Remove power from the EC100/EC150. Unplugging the power cable

from the EC100 is the easiest way to accomplish this.

2. Remove wicks from the snouts of the analyzer.

3. Clean windows and snouts with isopropyl alcohol and a lint-free, non-

abrasive tissue or cloth as described in Section 8.3, Cleaning Analyzer


Make sure any residual alcohol and water completely

evaporate from the analyzer before proceeding with the

zero-and-span procedure.

4. Position the EC150 zero-and-span shroud (pn 26390) over the upper and

lower snouts. See FIGURE 7-1 for guidance with the following steps.

a. Twist the two ends of the shroud together to minimize the length of

the shroud. Make sure the rubber seals on the ends of the shroud are

clean and in good condition.

b. Position one end of the shroud over the lower snout and twist the top

part of the shroud, allowing it to extend and cover the upper snout.

c. Continue twisting the shroud until it is fully extended and covering

both snouts.

d. Twist the shroud so that the gas lines and temperature thermistor

cable are directed towards the back of the sensor.

e. Hang the lines and cable over the trunk of the sensor to alleviate any

strain on the optical arms. See FIGURE 7-1.

FIGURE 7-1. Zero-and-span shroud mounted on the zero-and-span
