6 wire power and ground the ec100, Zero and span, 1 introduction – Campbell Scientific EC150 CO2 and H2O Open-Path Gas Analyzer and EC100 Electronics with Optional CSAT3A 3D Sonic Anemometer User Manual

Page 32: Wire power and ground the ec100, Introduction, Or cr5000 datalogger, Table 6-1 f

background image

EC150 CO




O Open-Path Gas Analyzer

TABLE 6-1. EC100 SDM output to a Campbell Scientific CR1000,

CR3000, or CR5000 Datalogger

EC100 Channel




SDM Data



SDM Clock



SDM Enable



Digital Ground





6.3.6 Wire Power and Ground the EC100

1. Feed cable CABLEPCBL-L (pn 21969-L) through

Cable 2 at the bottom

of the EC100 enclosure (see FIGURE 6-12) and attach the ends into the

green EC100 power connector (pn 3768).

2. Plug the connector into the female power connector on the EC100 panel.

Ensure that the power and ground ends are going to the appropriate

terminals labeled 12V and ground, respectively.

3. Connect the power cable to a power source. The power and ground ends

may be wired to the 12V and G ports, respectively, of a Campbell

Scientific datalogger or to another 12 Vdc source.

Once power is applied to the EC100, three LED status lights on the EC100

panel will illuminate. The power LED will be green if the power supply

voltage is between 10 to 16 Vdc. The gas LEDs will be orange until the gas

head has warmed up. The sonic LED will be red while the sonic acquires the

ultrasonic signals. The sonic and gas LEDs will turn green if there are no

diagnostic warning flags. Three green LEDs indicate that the instrument is

ready to make measurements.

The EC150 power-up sequence takes under two minutes to complete. During

power up the gas LED will be orange. If after two minutes the gas LED turns

green, power-up sequence has been completed successfully. If the gas LED

turns red, a diagnostic flag has been detected. Check the individual diagnostic

bits to determine the specific fault.

Diagnostics may be monitored using the Status window of ECMon (see

Appendix A.3, ECMon), the user interface software included with the EC150

(see Appendix A, EC150 Settings), or with a datalogger. The diagnostics may

reveal that the unit needs to be serviced (for example, cleaning the optical

windows on the EC150, cleaning the CSAT3A transducers of ice or debris, etc.

See Section 8, Maintenance and Troubleshooting).

7. Zero and Span

7.1 Introduction

Calibration of optical instrumentation like the EC150 may drift slightly from

the calibration that was performed in the factory with time and exposure to