3 specifications, 42 storage, 43 digital recording/replay – Videoswitch Vi-M series User Manual
Page 51: 44 display, Specifications, Storage, Digital recording/replay, Display, Digital recorder
Digital Recorder
11.3 Specifications
1.1.42 Storage
Hard drives
SATA interface. 250 Gbytes to 2 Tbytes (and more as larger
drives are developed)
Number of hard drives
Vi-M1: 1 hard drive, Vi-M2, Vi-M3, Vi-M4: 2 hard drives
CD/DVD writer
Backup to DVD or CD. Play without installing viewer. CD
may also be used to upgrade firmware.
Backup to USB memory stick. Play without installing viewer.
1.1.43 Digital
Camera inputs
4, 8, 12 or 16, with programmable titles (16 characters)
Image Retention
1 to 999 days, image rate calculated automatically (custom
mode allows rate to be specified)
Colour/Monochrome Auto
Gain, Brightness, Colour
Record Resolution
352 x 288 pixels x 16.8 million colours
704 x 288 pixels x 16.8 million colours
704 x 576 pixels x 16.8 million colours
Image size
6k to 40k bytes, dynamically variable, typically 8K for CIF
Compression method
Hardware/Software Embedded
processor, Linux, proprietary Videoswitch
Simultaneous processing
Record, Live, Play, Remote and backup
Image authentication
Each image is tagged with time, date, image number and
other information and is protected with a digital security
signature for authentication.
Video inputs
0.5 to 1V pk-pk, 75 Ohms (switch able via menu),
composite PAL (BNC), all inputs have loop-through BNCs
Loop-though BNC connectors On Vi-M3 and Vi-M4
Maximum record rate
100 CIF pictures per second (Vi-M1)
200 CIF pictures per second (Vi-M2 and Vi-M3)
400 CIF pictures per second (Vi-M4)
1.1.44 Display
Main monitor output
(a) Composite (BNC), 1V pk-pk composite PAL
(b) VGA monitor output
Spot monitor outputs
BNC, 1V pk-pk composite PAL