Monitor setup functions (f) – AMETEK 2120 PLC Interface Module User Manual
Page 35

Installation and Programming Manual
Chapter 4: Programming
This section provides descriptions and instructions for the Interface Module setup functions.
These functions provide the means to customize the monitor’s setup for a specifi c installation.
Before any of these functions can be programmed, the monitor must be in program mode. To
put the monitor in program mode, see Program Mode Access in Section 4.7: Program and
Supervisory Mode Functions. The following is a list of the monitor setup functions:
Unit of Measurement (14)
Decimal Location (13)
Position Hold (15)
Auxiliary LED (16)
Unit of Measurement (14)
NOTE: This function applies to LDT inputs only.
The Unit of Measurement function is used to select the unit of measurement in which position
data is displayed. Measurements can be either in inches or millimeters. Enter 0 to select inches
or enter 1 to select millimeters. The default for this function is 0. To change the unit of
measurement, perform the following steps:
After confi guring the Interface Module for use with an LDT, you can proceed to Section 4.3:
Monitor Setup Functions.
LDT L1 Input Reset-to-Preset (311)
1. Select the function key.
The monitor displays “F----”.
2. Select function number 311 (LDT L1 Input Reset-to-Preset Function). Select
the enter key.
The monitor displays the current value.
3. Enter desired Reset-to-Preset value. Select the enter key.
Enter desired
The reset-to-preset input is an edge sensitive input that resets position data to a preprogrammed
value. A 5-24VDC source applied to these terminals activates the input.
4.3: Monitor Setup Functions