PortaTree Eliminator Super 2000 Competition-Firmware Ver. 4.11 User Manual

Page 6

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There is a small panel labeled “AutoSave” above the Dual Red panel which indicates

that results are “Automatic Stored”. Sometimes during a track testing session, it is best to turn
this box off so that tests are not stored. This panel can be activated and deactivated by a Left
Button Mouse Click. The Box above “AS” is labeled “Finish” and this represents the location of
the Finish Line. This can be changed for each category in the Category editor. You can select
the 60 foot, 330 foot, 660 foot, or 1320 foot location. If you select ptree, the Eliminator
Competition will use the finish selected off of the Pro Box Setup Screen.

The rest of the Race Screen has various buttons to Reset the Race in case one vehicle

does not finish or Reset the Tower Ready if the race has not started yet (This would allow you
to change incorrect data and send a Tower Ready again). If Breakout is on the Breakout
Panels illuminate Red if a vehicle goes below their Dial-In) and if Package is on, these same
panels say “Package” and the winners panel illuminates Green. The Package Number
appears in these boxes – Lowest Package is the Winner)! The Prestage and Stage Panels
illuminate when the vehicles break the starting line beams. The Clear Buttons clear
information off of the race screen or out of the que. There are “Disqualification” Buttons at
the top of the screen which turn red when depressed and automatically disqualify an entry and
change the winner of the race if necessary. If the race has not been run, they will indicate "NO
SHOW" instead of disqualify. There is also 2 boxes that provide MOV in seconds as well as
feet (or Meters if running Kilometers per Hour). The Panic Button turns the Panic Lights “ON”
and “OFF” and the Setup Button brings you back to the setup screen to change category,
round, and type. The “Swap” button allows you to switch the entries from lane to lane. Once
you have sent a Tower Ready, some buttons are grayed out and not allowed to be used !!