Verify data from the iss – DAVIS Vantage Vue Integrated Sensor Suite Manual User Manual
Page 8

mometer Transmitter Kit with ID 1.
To set a new transmitter ID:
1. Push and hold the transmitter ID pushbutton until the LED begins flashing quickly. This
indicates it is in the setup mode.
2. Release the pushbutton, and the LED will go dark.
3. Push the pushbutton the number of times equal to your desired new transmitter ID. That is,
if you want to change the ID to “3,” push the pushbutton three times; for a desired ID of
“4,” push the pushbutton four times.
After four seconds have elapsed with no further presses, the LED will blink the same num-
ber of times as the new transmitter ID. (After blinking the transmitter ID number, the light
will begin to flash each time a packet is transmitted, about every 2.5 seconds.)
Verify Data from the ISS
To verify reception of ISS data by the Vantage Vue console, you will need your powered-up
console and the ISS. For best reception, the console and ISS should be at least 10 feet (3
meters) apart.
1. If the console is in Setup Mode, press and hold DONE until the Current Weather screen
displays. The antenna icon appears under the wind compass rose. Watch this icon to see
that “transmission waves” appear, indicating reception of a packet.
Sensor readings from the ISS should display on the screen within a few minutes.
2. At the top right corner of the screen, look for the outside temperature.
3. Gently spin the wind cups to check wind speed, pressing the WIND button on the console
to alternate between speed and direction in the windcompass rose.
4. Gently turn the wind vane, and allow 5 seconds for the wind direction display to stabilize
before moving it again.
A good way to ensure that your console is listening to your ISS and not another Davis station nearby, is to
make sure the wind values displayed match your wind vane’s direction in reference to the solar panels,
which are assumed to be facing south. For example, if you move the vane to point directly away from the
ISS, the console should show a wind direction of south; if you then turn the vane 180
so it is pointed
back at the radiation shield, the wind direction on the console should change to north.
5. Approximately one minute after acquisition of the signal, the outside relative humidity
reading should be displayed on the console, below the outside temperature display.
6. Confirm rain display. On your console screen, select the RAIN DAY display. (See Vantage
Vue Console Manual.). Carefully hold your ISS over a sink and, while watching the RAIN
DAY display on your console, slowly pour one-half cup of water into the Rain Collector.
Wait two seconds to see if the display registers a rain reading.
This method confirms that the rain display is functioning. It cannot be used to verify accuracy.
7. Current data displayed on the console confirms successful communication.
In some cases it may take as long as ten minutes for a reading to register on your console.
If communication problems exist between the wireless ISS and the console, see
“Troubleshooting ISS Reception” on page 12.