Telenav for Nextel Supported Devices: v3.6 for Motorola i710, i730, i733, i736, i830 User Manual
Page 25
© TELENAV 2003-5
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Address entry from the phone
To enter a new address you need to first select New address. Next you can select
one of the recently entered cities, or an airport; and you can also enter the new
address using a City/State combination, or a ZIP code followed by entering the
numbered street address or the crossing street names.
Voice Call
If you select Voice call, your phone will go into voice call mode with the Voice Address Input System number
displayed on the screen. Press the green button to dial the number, and dictate your address as described above.
When you are done with the call, press BACK, the Menu key, highlight Java Apps, press OK, highlight
Suspended Apps, press the OK key, highlight TeleNav 3, and press the OK key again. At this point, TeleNav will
resume, and automatically Refresh list so that the called in address appears on your phone. Highlight the newly
entered address, and press OK.
NOTE: In Section 9 you will find a Personalizing tip that simplifies this voice calling process.
New City/State
If you select New city/state, you will be taken to the State entry page. Here you first
enter the US Postal Service state abbreviation e.g., “CA” for California. First, you will
have to press Menu, highlight Alpha mode, and press Select because it is hard to
enter USPS prefixes in Word mode.
Enter State (2 ltrs)
Only the first three (or more) characters are needed to enter the city name. For
example if you were trying to enter “Sunnyvale” as the destination city, you would
enter sun using Alpha mode. Using Word mode will result in run if you press 786.
On the other hand, if you wanted “Santa Clara”, Word mode does produce santa if
you press 72682.
Enter 3+ letters
City in CA
Hint: Use the “*
←” key at the lower left corner of the keypad to backspace and remove incorrectly entered letters.
Also note that some keys are marked with alternative characters that they will produce after several key presses.
Pressing the 1 key in alpha or Word mode produces a spectrum of punctuation, most of which is not needed for
address input.
After you enter a city prefix, you will be presented a list of city names to choose from, unless there is only one
unique match. If there are too many matching names, you may be asked to enter more letters. Highlight the city
name you are looking for using the up/down 4-way Navigation Key, and press the OK key. After you pick a name
from the list, or if the name is uniquely matched, you are taken to Street Name Input, see below.