Telenav for Nextel Supported Devices: v3.6 for Motorola i710, i730, i733, i736, i830 User Manual
Page 16
© TELENAV 2003-5
PAGE 16 OF 33
Where Am I
Invoking this feature lets you know your approximate street address and the latitude
and longitude. The street address may be a numbered approximate address, the
names of the nearest crossing streets, or just the name of the street if it is not
Your current
location is:
N 37.29011
W -122.19119
Send GPS->Friend
You can send your location to: a) a phone number via SMS provided you know the
wireless carrier, b) an e-mail address, or c) a friend from the friends list. A few of the
most recently used recipient addresses are retained for easy reference. The format
of the location message is described below under Message Format.
To an E-mail - If you choose to send to an e-mail address, you can pick a domain name from one of the major
domains like AOL or MSN, but otherwise, you should select “Enter e-mail in full”. After you make a domain choice,
you enter only that part of the e-mail that precedes the “@” symbol when asked to provide the e-mail account
name. If the recipient’s domain name is not in the list, you will need to enter the complete e-mail address. To
change between alpha, numeric, and symbol input modes, press the Menu key, make a mode selection, and then
key in the characters. You may have to change modes several times to handle numbers, letters, special
characters, and punctuation symbols.
To a Phone – If you choose to use SMS to send your location, first you must select the recipient’s wireless carrier
from a list. Then you provide the phone number. Note that the first carrier listed is TeleNav! If you send your
location to a TeleNav subscriber, the receiving subscriber can use the address you send by saving it as a labeled
To a Friend – If you choose to send your location to a friend who is also a TeleNav subscriber, you simply select
the name of the friend from the local friends list, and press OK.
After you select a routing method for the location report, TeleNav attempts to determine your GPS location for
about 40 seconds. If this fails due to weak GPS signal strength, TeleNav will attempt to use cell site reference
information to determine your approximate location.
Transmission Confirmation – After the address has been input and you press OK, a message stating, “TeleNav
sent your GPS (cell cite) location to
SMS address; or a friend’s name. Note that this confirmation does not imply that the recipient has received the
Message Format – The messages sent via SMS or e-mail have the same content:
From: TeleNav_Admin
Subj: Alert
[MSG:] [GPS]