Route summary, Map summary, Traffic summary – Telenav for Verizon Supported Devices: v5.5 for BlackBerry Tour User Manual

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Route Summary

A text listing of every turn for this navigation session from your starting
location to your destination along with mini turn icons.

Highlight a segment and press the SPACE key to hear the audio for that

Map Summary

The entire route from your starting location to your destination is drawn
on a map, complete with the latest traffic alerts and traffic flow
information. The route is displayed as a blue line connecting the Start
and Finish flags. When available, press “0” to read traffic details.

Highways and major roads with traffic flow information are color-coded
by speed in each direction of travel:

Speed Road


> 50 mph


30 – 50 mph


< 30 mph


Unknown Grey

1. Click the trackball to choose “Hide Traffic” or “Show Traffic”

(depends on availability).

2. Use the “Q” and “P” keys to zoom in and out of the map (you

can also choose these options by calling up the menu). Use the
trackball to pan the map.

NOTE: To go back to Moving Map view, click the Escape key.

Traffic Summary

Displays overall delay from traffic, a summary of incidents on the route,
and the average speed for each segment where available. You can click
on any line to view more details.

Below is an explanation of what you will see on the Traffic Alert screen:

Incidents (triangle icons) Total number of remaining

incidents directly along the route. The color of the triangle
indicates incident severity:

Color Severity

Yellow Only




At least one Major incident,

no severe incidents


At least one Severe incident

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