Telenav for Verizon Supported Devices: v5.5 for BlackBerry Tour User Manual
Page 24

The following section contains an example of what you might hear and say when using the Call In option for
entering an address (the prompts are different if you chose Search menu >> Speak It):
TeleNav GPS Navigator prompt> Thank you for calling TeleNav! Please say the 5 digit ZIP, or the city and
state. For a Canadian address say the city and province.
Your response> Arlington, Texas
TeleNav GPS Navigator prompt> I heard Arlington, Texas. Say GO BACK if this is not correct.
the street including both the number and name, like 422 Main Street.
Your response> 1620 Oak Street
TeleNav GPS Navigator prompt> I heard 1620 Oak Street. Say GO BACK if this is not correct.
Great, your destination is saved in you recent stop list: 1620 Oak Street, Arlington, Texas 75210 You can
hang up now and launch TeleNav on your phone or stay on the line to start over for another destination.
The Voice Address Input System may ask you for an account number and PIN if caller ID is not working. Simply
dictate the numbers as prompted, or key in your mobile phone number followed by pressing “#” and your TeleNav
PIN followed by pressing “#.“
The recognition system may reply back with an incorrectly recognized input. When this happens, simply say, “Go
Back” and repeat the data entry. The voice system may advise you that a street number is out of range and
provide the proper range of numbers for you to use. Provide a number that is within the range or nearest the end of
the range that you are sure is valid.
© TELENAV, INC. 2003-2009
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