Chapter 14: definition of common training terms – PowerTap Joule 3.0 User Manual

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Chapter 14: Definition of Common Training Terms

1. Breaking a training or race program into distinct periods where different attributes impor-
tant to a cyclist’s overall performance are developed. 2. The idea that training adaptations are
optimized by periods of hard work that exceed the average training load accustomed to by the
athlete which are then followed by periods of easy work or recovery that are below the average
training load normally performed by the athlete.

Peak Sustainable Power or Peak Power
1. The highest average power output that can be held for a given duration. 2. For most individuals
a peak sustainable power or peak power output lasting 4 to 8 minutes is equivalent to an inten-
sity that elicits their VO2 max, or maximal capacity to consume oxygen. 3. For most individuals a
peak sustainable power output lasting 20 to 40 minutes is equivalent to an intensity that elicits
their lactate threshold or a value of blood lactate 2 to3 mM above their baseline blood lactate. 4.
For most individuals a peak sustainable power output lasting 40 minutes to 2 hours is equivalent
to an intensity that elicits their lactate threshold, or a value of blood lactate just above to 1 mM
above their baseline blood lactate. 5. In cycling, the peak sustainable power for any given dura-
tion is analogous to their best performance for a given time. For example, a runner might have a
personal best of 5 minutes in a mile run and 35 minutes in a 10 km run, whereas a cyclist might
have a personal best or peak sustainable power of 400 watts for 5 minutes and 340 watts for 35

Race Pace Zone
1. An extremely hard or all out intensity zone. 2. On a 1 to 10 RPE scale, an intensity corresponding
to a 7 to 8 or “really hard” to “really really hard.” 3. On a 6 to 20 RPE sale, an intensity correspond-
ing to a 16 to 18 or “very hard” to “very very hard.” 4. An exercise intensity dependent primarily on
the aerobic and anaerobic metabolism of carbohydrate. 5. An all out exercise intensity that can be
held between 10 minutes to 30 minutes.