Chapter 14: defi nition of common training terms – PowerTap Joule 3.0 User Manual

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Chapter 14: Defi nition of Common Training Terms

Lactate Threshold > 1mM
1. The power output or exercise intensity where the blood lactate is equal to 1 mM above its
resting baseline. 2. An exercise intensity characterized as hard. 3. The mid point of the lactate
threshold training zone. 4. An exercise intensity that can be held for 1 to 2 hours.

Lactate Threshold 4 mM
1. The power output or exercise intensity at a blood lactate level of 4 mM or 2 to 3 mM above
baseline. 2. An exercise intensity characterized as very hard. 3. The upper limit of the lactate
threshold zone. 4. An exercise intensity that can be held for 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Normalized Intensity
1. The intensity normalized to some other factor such as body weight or aerodynamic drag. For
example, for a 70 kg person, 300 watts would be represented as 4.3 Watts per Kg.

Max Zone
1. An all out or maximal intensity zone. 2. On a 1 to 10 RPE scale, an intensity corresponding to a
9 to 10 or “really really hard” to “maximal.” 3. On a 6 to 20 RPE scale, an intensity corresponding
to an 18 to 20, or “very very hard” to “maximal.” 4. An exercise intensity that elicits the causes the
body to reach its maximal capacity to consume oxygen (i.e., an exercise intensity that elicits VO2
max). 5. An all out or maximal effort that can be held between 2 to 8 minutes or an average of 4