Actions, Fan (ioam), Attributes – HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Page 110
Restores or stops power to the fan. After servicing the fan or its associated PMCU, perform the
Enable action.
Parameter: Enabled (true = enabled, false = disabled)
Fan (IOAM)
component that circulates air into the enclosure to help maintain optimal temperature.
There are two fans in each IOAM, for a total of four in each IO enclosure.
Note: If a ServerNet switch board is not present, the IOAM fans will not appear in OSM.
For information on how to replace an individual IOAM Fan, see Replacing a Fan in an IOAM
Enclosure in the Support and Service > Service Procedures > IOAM Hardware Servicing collection
in NTL.
Location in OSM Tree: System > Group > IOAM Enclosure > IOAM > Fan
Example: Fan (13.2.16)
LED State
Indicates whether or not the fans amber LED is lit. This state is determined by the
Value: On or Off
Manufacturer Identifies the manufacturer of the component.
Device State The state of the component as known to the operating system on the server.
Set LED State
Turns on or off the amber LED located on the fan. The current state is indicated by the