HP Insight Management-Software User Manual
Page 69

Table 36 VCEM server error messages and descriptions (continued)
Error message description
The error message descriptions in this table use
[x] to represent variables in the error message output.
Error message number
and that the VC Domain is locked for the VCEM and then
perform the operation again.
The operation could not be performed because a VC
Domain with name [x] is already being managed by
VCEM. Enter a unique name for the VC Domain name and
perform this operation again.
The enabled VC feature(s) [x] are not supported by Virtual
Connect Enterprise Manager (VCEM). Verify how to disable
VC features according to VC Domain Group firmware
mode in the VCEM User Guide.
The enabled VC feature(s) are not supported by Virtual
Connect Enterprise Manager (VCEM). Verify how to disable
VC features according to VC Domain Group firmware
mode in the VCEM User Guide.
The operation could not be performed because the VC
Domain with ID [x] was not found in the VCEM database.
Verify the entered VC Domain ID is valid and then perform
the operation again.
The operation could not be performed because the VC
Domain Group with id was not found in the VCEM
database. Verify the specified VC Domain Group id is
valid and perform the operation again.
The operation could not be performed because the VC
Domain was not found. Provide a valid VC Domain and
then perform the operation again.
The operation cannot be performed because VC firmware
version is not supported by VCEM. Refer to the VCEM User
Guide to verify the VC firmware versions supported by
each VC Domain Group firmware mode.
The new VC Domain configuration is using uplink ports
from a VC Ethernet module of an cabinet [x] that is not
configured in all VC Domains from a VC Domain Group
[x]. To use uplink ports present in a remote enclosure, verify
that all VC Domains that belong to the VC Domain Group
have a corresponding remote enclosure configured, and
then perform the operation again.
The operation could not be performed because VCEM was
not able to obtain the necessary permissions to manage
the VC Domain [x]. Possible causes are:
1) Another user is enabled as the External Manager at VC
Domain and the VCEM cannot manage this VC Domain.
2) VCEM lost the External Manager lock at the VC Domain.
To resolve this issue:
1) Verify if there is no other user as the External Manager.
2) Remove this VC Domain from the VC Domain Group
and add it back to the same VC Domain Group.
The operation cannot be performed because VCEM could
not push the VC Domain base configuration to VC Domain
[x]. Verify VCEM can communicate with VC Manager and
perform the operation again.