Minimum required role based security, Remarks, Prerequisites – HP Insight Management-Software User Manual
Page 58

Normal power off operation on device bay 2 of an enclosure with ID enc0, if the timeout
occurs, then the system is forced into power off.
vcemcli -poweroff –enclosurename enc0 –bayname 2 –forceontimeout
–timeout 300
Normal power off a specific multi-blade server that occupies bays 1-4 of enclosure enc0:
vcemcli -poweroff –enclosurename enc0 –bayname 1
Minimum Required Role Based Security
VCEM Group Limited Operator
When –nb is specified, this command does not indicate that the power has been actually turned
off. It is only an indication that the request has been successfully passed to the Virtual Connect
Manager. When using the –nb option, the –show power-status command must be polled to
determine when the bay has successfully been powered off. An error is reported if the bay or
enclosure name is invalid.
Before initiating the power-off operation evaluate the current status of the bay. The power
status values are:
ON—Server is present and is powered on (DOS ERRORLEVEL EV = 1)
OFF—Server is present and is powered off (DOS ERRORLEVEL EV = 0)
UNKNOWN—No server is present in the bay (DOS ERRORLEVEL EV = 240)
The -poweroff devicebay command does not generate a job and could take a
significant time to complete. In particular, normal power off operations wait for the host operating
system to shut down. This requires additional time while processes are shut down before the
operating system can shut down.
When a timeout is specified, this command will block and poll the power status on an interval
defined by pollingInterval until the timeout is reached. A return of success means the power
is successfully turned off. VCEMCLI waits for a maximum of 3600 seconds (1 hour) by default
when no timeout has been specified for the command.
The bay must contain a server.
Using VCEM commands